#ParkYourPhone targets road users that are using smartphones in traffic. Drivers, pedestrians and cyclists are all putting themselves at risk. To combat this alarming trend, FIA Region I, the Royal Automobile Club Belgium and Touring Club Belgium are encouraging all road users to stay focussed on the road. The campaign will raise more awareness about distraction and show dangers of being distracted. In addition to the European launch in Brussels, FIA members in over 20 European countries will be launching the initiative this autumn.
Join Pharrell Williams, European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc, FIA President and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt and #ParkYourPhone:
Share your own #ParkYourPhone photo by downloading our signs below.
Automobile Association Tanzania (AAT) has begun the #ParkYourPhone campaign...
The Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Federation (PZM) co-hosted a...
The Azerbaijan Automobile Federation (FAA) took the #ParkYourPhone campaign...
The Automobile & Touring Club of Lebanon (ATCL) launched...
The Royal Automobile Club of Jordan (RACJ) launched #ParkYourPhone...
On 27 September, Union des Automobilistes Bulgares (UAB) launched ...
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