On 13 November 2019, the Forum for Mobility and Society organised an event on “Connected and automated driving: what’s needed from the EU?“.
FIA Region I, represented by its Director-General Laurianne Krid, joined the panel discussion on the EU priorities for Connected and Automated Driving together with representatives from the European Commission, BMW, CLEPA and ETRMA. She called for a regulatory framework on access to data, aiming at ensuring fair competition and affordable connected services. She reminded the audience that the ultimate goal of connected and automated driving is consumer benefit: to this end, free choice for consumers and free access to in-vehicle data must underpin its deployment. She also stressed the importance of unlocking innovation in a secure manner: data protection and cybersecurity must be always guaranteed. Finally, she recalled the importance of informing consumers of the technology they have in their cars and how to use it, also via driver training. Quoting a recent survey from L3Pilot on automated driving, she indicated that 51% of users expected connected and automated to bring increased comfort but only 17-18% believed it would increase safety and efficiency of transport. CLEPA, on the other hand, also made a strong plea for unlocking the potential of car data by providing the right framework for access.
On the side of the event, FIA Region I had the chance to showcase our position and research on connected and automated driving, with a stand in the exhibitors’ area. in particular, we presented the audience our study and video on the economic impact on current access to in-vehicle data and three EU projects dedicated to CAD in which we are involved, Arcade, Autopilot and L3pilot.