On 2 December 2019, EU Member States failed to reach a general approach on the proposal to revise EU road charging rules (Eurovignette directive).
FIA Region I understands this result as the Eurovignette revision proposal has serious shortcomings: by including passenger cars in the scope of the Directive, the proposal fails to respect the principle of subsidiarity and adds an unfair economic burden on motorists.
FIA Region I believes that Member States, not the European Union, are in the best position to set appropriate charges for the use of roads. Road charges are part of the funding schemes of road infrastructure and should fall within the sole competence of Member States in consideration of their own individual geographical, social and economic context.
Laurianne Krid, Director General at FIA Region I, said “A well-funded and sustainable transport network for citizens can be more effectively achieved if Member States are free to decide whether or not to introduce road charges for passenger cars, and in which form”.
Motorists are already covering the costs for the use of road infrastructure. According to a study[1] published by FIA Region I, EU motorists paid €206 billion in road taxes and charges in 2013 compared to just €96 billion spent on infrastructure costs allocated to passenger cars, leading to a €110 billion surplus.
The European Union should therefore refrain from proposing additional road taxes or charges: better use should be made of the revenue currently being generated. This will help keep motoring affordable and maintain the free movement of people across the European Union.
About FIA Region I
The FIA Region I office, based in Brussels, is a consumer body comprising 105 Mobility Clubs that represent over 36 million members from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The FIA represents the interests of our members as motorists, riders, pedestrians and passengers. FIA Region I is working to ensure safe, affordable, clean and efficient mobility for all.