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    Insight into the Future of Transportation

    12 December 2019
    On 11 December 2019, FIA Region I Programmes Director Olivier Lenz presented at the Future of Transport World Conference results on user acceptance evaluation, emerging out of the EU Projects AUTOPILOT, L3Pilot and ARCADE. In these EU funded projects, FIA Region I contributes to the evaluation of research and innovation with automated vehicles. Recent surveys highlight some important levers of user acceptance, i.e. awareness about the capabilities of the developed technologies, information about their working, and the concerns regarding vehicle data control and privacy. Through assessing people’s readiness to adopt automated vehicles, the presented research shows that users welcome overall the idea of automation, while expressing their wish to be better informed. The Future of Transportation World Conference 2019 took place in Vienna and gathered more than 200 speakers across nine different streams to discuss future mobility solutions from 2020 to 2040 and beyond. The extreme theme ‘Do or Die’ of this year underlines the conference’s vision to overcome issues of gridlock and under capacity in transportation networks. In a few years, the shift from individual car ownership creates new opportunities in the MaaS area. Conference founder Tony Robison, therefore, recognizes the need to move from transportation on the ground to commercial air transportation by using robo-taxis and drones. In the air mobility stream, ADAC Air Rescue Strategy and Finance Projects Manager Denis Benk presented their project work on optimising emergency medical situations systems by transporting medical staff via electric air taxis directly to the scene of an accident. The feasibility study, supported by the charitable ADAC Foundation and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), aims to determine whether electric air taxis can get physicians to patients faster than they could travel by ground ambulance. The air taxis could in future also be used as heavy lifting drones or in rescue missions. Regarding the future of energy in transport, Element Energy Director Celine Cluzel, currently also working with FIA Region I on an assessment of transport costs, presented its research on car battery development and its implications for future transport and mobility. The presented report implies that battery prices decrease, and performance improves resulting in growing electric vehicle stock in Europe’s car market. The report developed policy recommendations address the life cycle of battery packs and the related value chains. It analyses the recycling options and provides guidelines focusing on easy recyclable batteries.