16 September 2022 – Today, FIA Region I launches the Drive with Care road safety campaign. The campaign calls for road users to respect each other by minding all traffic regulations such as speed limits, traffic lights, and right of way.
Based on the Safe Systems Approach towards road safety, all road users have a shared responsibility in preventing road accidents. As different transport modes on roads increase, respecting traffic regulations become even more crucial in providing safer coexistence between all road users.
FIA Region I and its members aim to encourage safer driving behaviour through the Drive with Care campaign.
“As road users, whether you are a driver, cyclist, or pedestrian, using the road involves mutual respect and responsibility to create a safe transport environment.
We are all part of traffic, albeit in different capacities. This year’s campaign calls for respect and empathy towards others, by placing oneself in another person’s shoes when in traffic.” said Laurianne Krid, FIA Region I Director General.
Increasing road safety is one of the key advocacy areas of the FIA and FIA Region I. The Drive with Care campaign has been translated into 26 languages and will be rolled out by 26 Member Clubs across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
The FIA Region I Road Safety Campaign is supported by the FIA Road Safety Grant.
Lisandra Fesalbon
Communications Officer