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    RACC wins the 2020 FIA Region I Innovation Award

    25 June 2020

    On 25 June 2020, FIA Region I hosted the 2020 Innovation Award online ceremony to honour innovative projects run by its member Clubs.

    The 2020 Innovation Award winner is the RACC (Spain) with its project Nestor, a personal assistance service that offers more than 150 services from home repairs to food delivery. The Nestor app is free to download and is available for both iOS and Android devices for both RACC members and non-members.

    A joint second place went to ACI (Italy) with the project Guido Bene and ÖAMTC (Austria) with its Diagnostics tool for battery checks of electric cars. ACI’s Guido Bene is a new insurance policy that rewards outstanding driving style with a valuable renewal discount, thanks to the black box installed in the vehicle. ÖAMTC’s Diagnostics tool makes it possible to evaluate the status of batteries of electric cars, and therefore will help create a “second hand/used” car market for electric cars.

    The Innovation Award – Road Safety went also to the RACC with the project “Move-right, play and learn“, a road safety website and game that help teachers with road safety education for children from 6 to 12 years old.

    Finally, the ACP (Portugal) received the 2020 Excellence in Advertising Award for its campaign “You don’t know what ACP can do for you”. Featuring a series of humorous videos and posters, the campaign shows that today ACP services extend well beyond roadside assistance.


    About the FIA Region I Innovation Award

    The FIA Region I Innovation Award aims at encouraging new business ideas and supporting aspiring Clubs. Region I mobility Clubs can submit projects under the Innovation Award category (3 awards) or the Road Safety category (1 award). The winner is voted by the Region I Presidential Board.

    About the Excellence in Advertising Award

    The FIA Region I Excellence in Advertising Award aims at recognising the high level of creativity that Clubs invest in promoting their services. The winner is voted by mobility Clubs.