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    Policy position on Driving Licence Directive

    06 November 2020

    The FIA European Bureau welcomes the European Commission’s plan to modernising driving licences with a view to improve road safety and prepare the safe transition to higher levels of automation. Verifying the performance levels of the driving licence legislation is paramount for FIA European Bureau and its members.

    In the revision of the Driving Licence Directive, the FIA European Bureau recommends the European Commission to:

    • Require mandatory standards for examinations and to include minimum training delivered by professional instructors such as driving schools, associations, and Automobile Clubs.
    • Adopt multi-phase schemes and life-long training whereby novice drivers must undertake further training in order to validate their licence.
    • Develop minimum standards for driver training which shall include knowledge of ADAS as well as the appropriate use of the systems.
    • As a measure to promote the uptake of AFV, the driving licence should be valid both for manual and automatic transmission, regardless of the transmission in which the novice drivers have been trained.
    • Ensure that motorists benefit from the same level of rights regardless of the format of the licence they hold (digital or physical).

    Download the policy position