On 5 June 2019, Olivier Lenz, FIA Region I Programmes Director, spoke about user perspective on automated driving innovation at the plenary assembly of the ITS European Congress in Eindhoven.
Mr Lenz highlighted that questions regarding user awareness and acceptance are getting more prominent, while an increasing number of vehicle models can autonomously perform a range of driving tasks. He also stressed the need for a reality check regarding user’s expectations. Indeed, recent research published by the ADAC showed that the benefits of CAD in increasing road safety will still take decades to become reality: even when full automation technology will be available, the vehicle fleet renewal will take place at its own pace, with the coexistence of partly and fully automated vehicles.
He also emphasised that data privacy and fair access to mobility and in-vehicle data are key for a successful deployment of CAD. Data is the core of the new connected automated mobility and users are more and more concerned about the use of their data. At the same time, access to in-vehicle data and hardware is crucial for open competition, because it allows for more diverse applications, increases inclusive mobility and speeds up automated driving development.
In the subsequent discussion, Olivier Lenz insisted on the importance to get the users on board. Opportunities to experience new technology are invaluable for users to learn about CAD functionality and benefits. Events such as the ITS Congress offer this possibility to a wide range of decision makers. He encouraged industry stakeholders and public authorities to offer more opportunities for citizens to discover what connected automated technology can do for them.