The 35th edition of the European Traffic Education Contest (ETEC) took place from 24 to 26 September in Zadar, Croatia
at the kind invitation of Hrvatski Autoklub (HAK).
19 teams from 18 European countries participated in the competition, including the 2 first-time participating teams from Ukraine and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.
2022 winners of ETEC are AMSS (Serbia) coming in first place, LAMB (Latvia) was second, and UAMK (Czech Republic) was third.
The European Traffic Education Contest (ETEC) aims to intensify traffic education in every country and thereby contribute to reducing the risk of children becoming involved in accidents on their bicycles. The Contest should encourage motoring and touring clubs to enhance or develop their own traffic education activities in their respective countries. Through this event the media and authorities should be made aware of the importance of this task.
The Contest was created in 1986. It is held annually and takes place in September in the country of the host Club. At local, regional or national qualifying events, every participating Club selects a team of two girls and two boys aged between 10 to 12 years. Hence, this Event has the status of a European finale in which a regular 22 countries take part.
The Contest takes up one full day, during which the children have to accomplish various theoretical and practical exercises. The best team wins a challenge cup. The contestants are not ranked individually.
For general information on the contest and previous editions, please visit the European Traffic Education Contest webpage.
No |
Club Official Name |
Club Short | Country |
1 | Automobile Club Albania | ACA | Albania |
2 | Österreichische Automobil- Motorrad- und Touring Club | ÖAMTC | Austria |
3 | Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club | BIHAMK | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
4 | Union des Automobilistes Bulgares | UAB | Bulgaria |
5 | Hrvatski autoklub | HAK | Croatia |
6 | Autoclub of the Czech Republic | ACCR | Czech Republic |
7 | Ústřední automotoklub České republiky | UAMK | Czech Republic |
8 | Fédération française de cyclotourisme | FFCT | France |
9 | Magyar Autóklub | MAK | Hungary |
10 | Latvian Automotive Club | LAMB | Latvia |
11 | Association of Lithuanian Automobilists | LAS | Lithuania |
12 | Automobile Club du Luxembourg | ACL | Luxembourg |
13 | Auto moto savez Crne Gore | AMSCG | Montenegro |
14 | Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Association | PZM | Poland |
15 | Auto-Moto Association of Serbia | AMSS | Serbia |
16 | Autoklub Slovakia Assistance | ASA | Slovakia |
17 | Avto-moto zveza Slovenije | AMZS | Slovenia |
18 | Touring Club Schweiz | TCS | Switzerland |
19 | Federation Automobile d`Ukraine | FAU | Ukraine |
Croatian Automobile Club (HAK), organizer of the ETEC contest, will cover the costs of accommodation, meals, and transfers for children and two coaches for the period from 24 to 27 September 2022.
The four children and their two coaches will be lodged at mobile homes (Superior****) at Zaton Holiday Resort (Dražnikova 76t, 23232 Nin).
The resort is located 26 km from Zadar Airport and 16 km from Višnjik Sports Centre where the contest will take place.
Dear coaches and participants,
COVID-19 travel restrictions have been lifted in Croatia. Travelers are not required to provide any COVID-19 certificates or test results. They do not need to fill in the form to enter Croatia, and quarantine does not apply anymore. A few days before your planned departure for ETEC, please check the latest updates on the Covid-19 situation as well as the travel and sanitary measures that are put in place for Croatia via the website:
Chers entraîneurs et participants,
Les restrictions de voyage COVID-19 ont été levées en Croatie. Les voyageurs ne sont pas tenus de fournir des certificats ou des résultats de tests COVID-19. Ils n’ont pas besoin de remplir le formulaire pour entrer en Croatie, et la quarantaine ne s’applique plus. Quelques jours avant votre départ prévu pour ETEC, veuillez vérifier les dernières mises à jour sur la situation du Covid-19 ainsi que les mesures sanitaires et de voyage mises en place pour la Croatie via le site web :
Liebe Trainer und Teilnehmer,
die COVID-19-Reisebeschränkungen in Kroatien wurden aufgehoben. Die Reisenden müssen keine COVID-19-Bescheinigungen oder Testergebnisse vorlegen. Sie brauchen kein Formular auszufüllen, um nach Kroatien einzureisen, und die Quarantäne gilt nicht mehr. Bitte informieren Sie sich einige Tage vor Ihrer geplanten Abreise zum ETEC über die neuesten Informationen zur Covid-19-Situation sowie zu den Reise- und Hygienemaßnahmen, die für Kroatien gelten, auf unserer Website: